If your boyfriend puts you a Cartier engagement ring on Valentine's Day, what is your reaction? Will you consent to marry him? I have made a big mistake for this situation. Primitive Tricks to Shop iPhone Cases Seize the Moment!! It Is Typical for You to Choose Catching iPhone 3G Case
The story happened in last Valentine's Day. My boyfriend dated with me in the New York Park. We sat in a restaurant which we usually came after doing some shopping. He took out an etui and let me guess what is in it. It is an ingenious wood box with pearl in the cover. I known it was a ring and had a little afraid. Well, I think I was ill with Gamophobia but I have never told him about this. I still did not prepare enough though I love him so much and be scared to lose him.
"Honey, it is a ring." I said.
"You got it!" he felt quite excited and stare at me, softly. I was become more nervous, drinking the milk chocolate tea ceaselessly, with shifty-eyed expression. I did not know what to say and how to say, just kept silent.
"you know what, this is the Cartier engagement ring, Timmy told me that this kind of ring is expensive but classical..."he opened the etui, a pure argentous ring with a diaphanous twinkling diamond, I was shocked with large-eyed, I was felt for this ring without hesitation although I did not like marry.
"She is so beautiful like a little angel..." I was soliloquy.
"Yes, it is a classic. Anna, do you like it?" my boyfriend asked me confidently.
"Yes or no..."I did not know what to do, I love the angel but I did not want to be a bride. "Jesus, please help me..."I closed my eyes to pray and a ridiculous idea came out in my mind.
I snatched the etui quickly and escaped from the dinner room.
Two month later, my boyfriend and I held the wedding told me in the church. You must be strange that why don't I hate marriage? It is Cartier save me. That day I took her home and read the introduction of Cartier, learning she stand for the true eternal love, what is more, the man who sent me this gift is really comprehend me without any complaint for my gaffe. He also loves me deeply. I cannot miss such guy, right?
My behavior on that Valentine's Day is becoming a drollery at our leisure time. It is also a memorable experience in our life.
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